Newsletter 5 : SCORE first train-the-trainer session! 🌿 

🎓 The first train-the-trainer session happened in December 2023 at ESTIA, with teachers from Largenté, Villa Pia and Malraux high schools in France (64). 

The session was designed with three core components: an icebreaker activity to promote interaction among participants from different schools, a primary activity aligned with the session’s main topic, and a reflection period. 💭 

More precisely, the SCORE team first presented the project and shared the main principles of Circular Economy.  

Then we explained the content of the platform which includes 2 types of contents and we showed the actual contents :  

  1. Learning blocks focusing on a particular aspect of the Circular Economy (CE). These small modules can easily be inserted in a course, which cultivate systemic thinking and understanding how systems (social and ecological) work. 🔄 
  2. Circular Challenges that are “learning-by-doing”-based pedagogical projects, to be planned over several weeks / months, to discover several aspects of the CE individually or in teams. 🛠️🤔 

A third phase was dedicated to getting the hands on the material : teachers were left with the platform, to play around and identify the material that would be interesting to them. 💻

This first session is the ground for next sessions that will happen in France, Spain and Lithuania in the coming months. 🌐 

These first trained teachers are now going to test some materials with their classrooms in early 2024. 


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