Transnational Meeting in Vilnius

October 2024

The Lithuanian National Agency foe Education, Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra, kindly hosted our last SCORE Transnational meeting on October 17th. Açiu!

We presented them the SCORE project as well as our platform. Their reaction was very positive and we discussed with them about the opportunity of using the SCORE contents to adapt the Lithuanian curriculum and add Circular Economy related contents. Our local partner ZE remains in contact with them to make it happen.

The main focus of the Transnational meeting was on communication and dissemination activities. Most of it is now over, we have made a great job in sharing our results in the different countries, and some last activities are foreseen, such as a webinar for France and a presentation at the Fab Lab Academy.

We also got organised to properly finish our last deliverables and said physically good bye to each other !